Autor Téma: English day in ŽvB to improve our english skills  (Přečteno 12697 krát)

Offline Spencer Hadfield

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English day in ŽvB to improve our english skills
« kdy: Květen 15, 2014, 06:09:25 odpoledne »
Hi dears...

You know something? I have an idea... We could make one day in ŽvB only in English... Maybe one day during the weekend or holiday day using only the English language... I guess it would be interesting. Of course it would be disadvantage for non-english speakers here but why wouldn't we try it? My English is not perfect but we can take it as a challenge. It could be fun for all of us!

PS: I'm ready for your slaps and I am thankful to anyone who decided to support me in this idea. :)

Offline Bc. Vodacek je osel

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Re:English day in ŽvB to improve our english skills
« Odpověď #1 kdy: Květen 15, 2014, 06:15:21 odpoledne »

Offline Carimelle Wang

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Re:English day in ŽvB to improve our english skills
« Odpověď #2 kdy: Květen 15, 2014, 06:19:17 odpoledne »
*Carimelle Wang was forced to support this idea*

Offline Eam Vein

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Re:English day in ŽvB to improve our english skills
« Odpověď #3 kdy: Květen 15, 2014, 06:33:01 odpoledne »
I like that idea... but RT won't let us so...

Offline Spencer Hadfield

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Re:English day in ŽvB to improve our english skills
« Odpověď #4 kdy: Květen 15, 2014, 06:43:27 odpoledne »
Who knows and thanks by the way.  :)

Offline Eam Vein

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Re:English day in ŽvB to improve our english skills
« Odpověď #5 kdy: Květen 15, 2014, 06:57:57 odpoledne »
It's not possible to do that 'worldwide'. Some players don't speak a word in English and somebody even doesn't want to...

However, I think that should be okay If players who want to speak in English, will speak to each other alone..

Offline Jenna Vanderwall

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Re:English day in ŽvB to improve our english skills
« Odpověď #6 kdy: Květen 15, 2014, 07:03:54 odpoledne »
Podporuji! Jen bych jaksi potřebovala na ten den službu nějakého překladatele  ;D  ;D

Offline Theodor Orphes

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Re:English day in ŽvB to improve our english skills
« Odpověď #7 kdy: Květen 15, 2014, 07:10:22 odpoledne »
However, I think that should be okay If players who want to speak in English, will speak to each other alone..

It is a beautiful loop. So that I will support this!

Offline Björn

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Re:English day in ŽvB to improve our english skills
« Odpověď #8 kdy: Květen 15, 2014, 07:29:18 odpoledne »
Prefiero un día de la lengua espaňola.

*Toto se líbí uživateli Miguel Martín Gonzáles*

Offline Carimelle Wang

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Re:English day in ŽvB to improve our english skills
« Odpověď #9 kdy: Květen 15, 2014, 07:33:49 odpoledne »
Je préfére une journée en français! ça pourrait etre amusant! Surtout pour les non-francophones! :D

Offline Carimelle Wang

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Re:English day in ŽvB to improve our english skills
« Odpověď #10 kdy: Květen 15, 2014, 07:36:50 odpoledne »
或者我们可以安排一天在中国语文! ^^

Offline Gianbattiste Chiavaelli

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Re:English day in ŽvB to improve our english skills
« Odpověď #11 kdy: Květen 15, 2014, 07:37:14 odpoledne »
J'aime vraiment cette idée!

Offline Carimelle Wang

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Re:English day in ŽvB to improve our english skills
« Odpověď #12 kdy: Květen 15, 2014, 07:40:38 odpoledne »
Je suis d'accord! Quelqu'un peut ajouter une enquête pour voir quelle langue la plupart des gens préférent?

Offline Harry McLowell

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Re:English day in ŽvB to improve our english skills
« Odpověď #13 kdy: Květen 15, 2014, 07:50:45 odpoledne »
Ich schlage vor Deutsch, oder? Interessantes Angebot, aber nicht real.  ;)

Offline Eam Vein

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Re:English day in ŽvB to improve our english skills
« Odpověď #14 kdy: Květen 15, 2014, 08:06:03 odpoledne »
A Co kDyByChOm pRoStE PoUzHiIiWaLi wYpAtLaAaToR? :-/ Toe WoDWazZz Woe!!!

Offline Gianbattiste Chiavaelli

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Re:English day in ŽvB to improve our english skills
« Odpověď #15 kdy: Květen 15, 2014, 08:56:41 odpoledne »
Absolument hors de question.

Offline Henry Mug

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Re:English day in ŽvB to improve our english skills
« Odpověď #16 kdy: Květen 15, 2014, 09:29:04 odpoledne »
Ich verstehe nicht! Speak German, or go home. U rly think i can speak with two lanquages in the same time? Nein, das ist nicht normal fur uns, so, geht nach Hause, ja? Sehr gut.

Darius Fixiol

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Re:English day in ŽvB to improve our english skills
« Odpověď #17 kdy: Květen 15, 2014, 09:54:09 odpoledne »
Sorry...but i dont like this idea,because you must look at other players.They dont have enough experience to speak english.If you want improve your english skills, you can just open the english workbook or vocabulary ;)

Offline Spencer Hadfield

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Re:English day in ŽvB to improve our english skills
« Odpověď #18 kdy: Květen 16, 2014, 07:29:53 dopoledne »
I don't need it at all Darius but thank you for you opinion. I know that it would be unfair to other players who don't speak English but nothing is impossible. It could be as a trip maybe and who wants, can join it. It just needs a plan. Why not? But just an idea, which I guess RT doesn't like anyway but I tried.

Have a good day :)


Offline Ammy Trixit

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Re:English day in ŽvB to improve our english skills
« Odpověď #19 kdy: Květen 16, 2014, 09:53:27 dopoledne »
Ok ... but ... Only level B1 ... but my english not good. :D

Offline Nancy

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Re:English day in ŽvB to improve our english skills
« Odpověď #20 kdy: Květen 16, 2014, 10:24:02 dopoledne »
I don't know how about other members of RT, but I like this idea! Darius is true that it would be unfair to players who can't speak English, but I guess summer holidays are long enough and one day should be OK - it needs to think about that and make some draft of these action. I'd like the idea with a trip, because it isn't mandatory and possible for characters at any age.

However, I can't promise anything, we have to speak about it in RT :)
« Poslední změna: Květen 16, 2014, 10:25:36 dopoledne od Nancy Orwell »

Offline Spencer Hadfield

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Re:English day in ŽvB to improve our english skills
« Odpověď #21 kdy: Květen 16, 2014, 11:20:17 dopoledne »
Ok ... but ... Only level B1 ... but my english not good. :D

I don't think this would be problem. If english day takes place in ŽvB anyone will have some problem/s with translation so we can try to use what we know and grammar won't be problem I think. And... it can be some very funny moments and screens of what we said in English...

I don't know how about other members of RT, but I like this idea! Darius is true that it would be unfair to players who can't speak English, but I guess summer holidays are long enough and one day should be OK - it needs to think about that and make some draft of these action. I'd like the idea with a trip, because it isn't mandatory and possible for characters at any age.

However, I can't promise anything, we have to speak about it in RT :)

I am glad someone from RT like that :).


Darius Fixiol

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Re:English day in ŽvB to improve our english skills
« Odpověď #22 kdy: Květen 16, 2014, 11:30:46 dopoledne »
Yeah it will be fun,to think how you must write emot,if you want to anyone understand.I just cant imagine how can play this the others,if they dont know how to write english,but it will be just one day so..i agree to test it and support you for this :)

Offline Nancy

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Re:English day in ŽvB to improve our english skills
« Odpověď #23 kdy: Květen 16, 2014, 12:01:01 odpoledne »
It might be nonRP action, just for fun, what do you think about that? Then we could return save from previous day. Just like 1st April some years.

Emots are usually used in third person without subject - *writes emote* *sits on the floor* :)

Offline Jordy Carter

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Re:English day in ŽvB to improve our english skills
« Odpověď #24 kdy: Květen 16, 2014, 12:44:51 odpoledne »
*nods his head* Could be fun, count me in :)

Offline Spencer Hadfield

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Re:English day in ŽvB to improve our english skills
« Odpověď #25 kdy: Květen 16, 2014, 01:49:58 odpoledne »
*looks happy*

Offline Berry Eger

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Re:English day in ŽvB to improve our english skills
« Odpověď #26 kdy: Květen 18, 2014, 08:03:23 odpoledne »
*grins* my dreams are coming true??